Lizzie Shepherd Photography does online shaming. Lizzie Shepherd Photography publicly posted a technical sentence on Facebook. Someone told her it something to do with me but she did not contact me until 6 hours later.
During this 6 hours, she teased and had some fun with other established LPOTY photographers. By posting enough information online for people to google it was obvious who they meant.
This is the start of all this that continues to this day 2024. Here is the timeline.
And yet Lizzie Shepherd Photography still maintains she did not name me, she did, by implication. I mean someone had time to make an anagram of my name and that is not easy. All the people in the post knew so someone was telling them.
I resolved the issue when contacted. Lizzie Shepherd Photography did not tell anyone this, left the FB post up and when I found it hours later, they were already baying name and shame. It was like a witch hunt.
I do remember Lizzie Shepherd Photography mentioned maybe I will see the post on her facebook.
Why? I had not seen LS FB page. Later down the post it was a case of maybe she should email me.
Lizzie Shepherd’s twitter paralleled her blog.
So on the weekend of July 11-12 2015 I was harassed/hounded on FB until about 1am and first thing from 7am, LS then carried it onto twitter with sly-not-completed-sentences-alluding-to comments which came into my inbox.
I shut down all social media, all business sites and any messenger apps making sure I could not be contacted in any way to stop the onslaught.
I asked so many people for help to stop this abuse, to get in touch with Lizzie to stop it – Alex Hare, Joe Cornish, Lizzie herself. And online and no one helped, no one stopped. No one. No one. We’re all around 50-60 years old and no one helped me, even now they all stonewall me and pretend it didn’t happen.
Digital Swaledale who, apparently jokingly-saying-now-critiqueing trashed my photos on facebook and posted their workshops on my business page are now saying things like I use the same style web design buttons as they do etc
These total strangers basically policed my business, marketing, my web design and clients.
It saddens me to think how quickly some people are to annihilate competition.
But on twitter comments as in goexplorepro saying I have lost all credibility etc Why? What’s it to them? My business was nothing to do with them.
Very sad to see these names encouraging and supporting Lizzie Shepherd Photography rather than suggesting this was a private matter: Mark Littlejohn who won LPOTY one year, Doug Chinery, Sean Goswell.
I asked LS friends over and over again, to contact her to stop, I asked her business partner, over and over again, it still didn’t stop.
LS tries to get my LRPS taken away from me many times and close my business down.
The year had started on a really positive note, as my Dad had not long died, planning new workshops, going to the areas to get some lovely promotional shots although the weather was against everyone on the Hebrides. I had enrolled on marketing workshops to get up to date and to try out new techniques. Just like everyone else really, honing up my skills, learning and trying to get better. Then July!
I was devastated, it takes time to sort something like this out. Then August, the emails from the RPS and the web hosts on my birthday, I was distraught, I loved my business and really thought about ending it all (and Lizzie Shepherd Photography was aware of this)
September and October I tried to get back into it, but it’s hard and then November, LS tries again.
LS has now had 2 opportunities to talk to me face to face. I was at #Moorsview with a big name badge but LS ran away when she saw me and was at #Callanish and again LS disappeared sharpish.
And I am happy to return my LRPS badge if necessary.
LS posted this reply in December when a student posted her own image after attending a LiShepherd Photography workshop – Lizzi Photography “my pleasure, – I’ve never framed it in quite this way myself – might have to copy you next time!” Yet Lizzie Shepherd Photography does online shaming.
I closed my business down in 2016. I deleted all my business sites in 2016. Yet it still goes on.