HHarrop Shetland Orca Sightings

HHarrop Shetland Orca Sightings 

Hugh Harrop Shetland Orca Sightings

Hugh Harrop Shetland Orca Sightings so as to differentiate from Shetland Orca & Cetacean Sightings on Facebook.

If you visited a restaurant, had a bad meal, would you expect that restaurant to stop you visiting every other restaurant in the uk and abuse you non stop for years. I visited Shetland ………

To see Shetland Orca was one of my dreams. A couple of years ago, I spent a year in Shetland specifically to watch wildlife as a visitor.

Shetland Wildlife is a tour company owned by Hugh Harrop. The tours were too expensive for me especially on top of the ferry prices. I was warned about HH a few days after I arrived, I didn’t believe it, so charming etc I had no idea how bad it would get. I had no idea how one company ‘rules’ Shetland, how a tour company can send police round to stop you using social media, yet steal my photos without question.

If you are a birdwatcher, there are 2 companies from which you can get up to date information, Birdguides and Rarebirdalert. At the time of my visit, there were similar systems in place for birds and cetaceans on Shetland, all controlled by HH. There was no other system in place for current wildlife information. Nor would anyone else (even sworn enemies of HH) pass on information. 

The above is the criticism of the system in Shetland as it was as I was there and at no time have I criticised HH, his achievements, his expertise, his family, his business yet look how people and charities punish me. 

Because I have written about my experience on Shetland, these wildlife citizens, rehabbers and rescuers hide behind fake profiles and send messages like the examples below, and I have more and I’m breaking a code of conduct? I’m putting the whale and dolphin society into disrepute? A visitor who only wanted to see some whales and orcas?

And because it’s a bit ‘negative’ from a visitor, Shetland Amenities block me from the Sumburgh Head feed. Nothing to do with the fact I was blocked during Orcawatch and the Orca exhibition then?

So what happened?

One day, like a few other people, I was following up on some Hugh Harrop Shetland Orca Sightings on Yell. I asked on Hugh Harrop Shetland Orca Sightings whatsapp for directions, “behind an island” came the chat line. Looked at OS map, saw 3 islands, “which island?” I asked. Then “please”, I was so close but couldn’t see anyone watching on the cliffs. The other people on Hugh Harrop Shetland Orca Sightings whatsapp then started to complain as I had asked 3 times. These people knew I was a visitor.

if you think these Shetland WhatsApp were very polite, non sweary and only featured the whales and birds, you would be very much mistaken  Hugh often mistook his personal chat to his wife for the whale chat – lots of love and kisses etc. There was lots of swearing and banter, and sweary banter so my rant was very tame. It was very trivial. Yet again I say, I apologised after the rant.

The information was put on Hugh Harrop Shetland Orca Sightings Twitter instead. I then had a little rant asking if people could put directions on sightings. At the end of the rant I apologIsed. (It is all on the Facebook page but I have been told it is hard to read so this post is for the salient points). His wildlife guide, Tim Stenton suggested as I could afford a motorhome I could afford to go on one of HH tours and other folk from Shetland told me to piss off. TS had looked up the price of my MH and quoted the price in his original post. TS also stamped his feet, swore and ran off when I turned up having calculated when Orcas might appear on another occasion. Anger problem.?

Then I set up my own page, which was to collate information so I could learn, catalogue ids and such like. 

i went to the police for help to stop all the abuse but no – after 9 years of stalking from photography and this Shetland Orca Sightings crap I took an overdose of whisky and tablets, I passed out and was violently sick, all night. Unfortunately I’m still here – but then people comment and laugh at that too 

This video is practically word for word what these people are doing to me https://youtu.be/KU4ricAMgOM . Unfortunately a lot of organisations believe them without even knowing me.

This is narcissistic abuse, bullying and online shaming and online abuse and whatever else it is called, whoever they are will do anything to discredit me, it is pure character assassination, witch hunt, smear campaign and I can’t do anything about it. All I can do now is meet people in real life and show them I am not the person portrayed by these fake profile abusers.

What’s happened since then?

  • Police visit late at night, sent by Hugh Harrop of Shetland Wildlife, and Shetland Orca Sightings to inform me not to share his FB posts. 
  • I became a Shorewatch volunteer and hoping to travel round Scotland whale watching, joining local area groups, socialising, only to see people from Shetland joining. Removed from groups without explanation.
  • Steve Truluck (Shorewatch volunteer) Shetland Orca chat during Orcawatch – before he removed me the last person added was Hugh Harrop Shetland Wildlife. Tried to contact ST 3 times, ignored. Have been banned for second year. 
  • Karen Munro – Caithness sea watching. Had a great few months then saw Gary Buchan and  Andrew Scullion had joined. Removed and blocked. Again tried to contact KM a few times but ignored. Was at Trinkie watching when removed
  • Was part of Orkney Cetacean group for a while – removed and blocked without explanation. Tried to contact group, again ignored
  • A group in the NW – same story.
  • St Cyrus whale watching group – same story.
  • Tried to get Information regarding Shetland Orca watches from Karen Hall (SNH and Seawatch Foundation) blocked. Tried to contact, same story. Eventually I got the information from the CEO after a month of trying (I had been blocked then unblocked – I used to work in IT). Still blocked by Karen Hall SNH employee who refuses to engage in any communication.  
  • Orca.web cancelled Marine Mammal Survey Course and cancelled my membership.
  • this was all they said – No proof of what I said to whom and who had alerted them or whether they check every volunteers social media “I can only reiterate that we have taken the decision to refund your course fees based on publicly available posts you have made on social media about individuals and organisations that we work with and which we feel are volatile and abusive.” but what and to whom? No one ever gives proof or context. 
  • Removed from forth marine mammals group who are now posting a lot of Shetland Orca sightings
  • Seawatch Foundation refuse to add me to Orcawatch and I now cannot comment on their page nor take part in Orcawatch as access to FB blocked. 
  • Doing a course with BDMLR @bdmlrorcaaware have blocked me – I tried to find out why – no communication 

and I thought these organisations were for helping whales and dolphins of the world, and the seas, and were available to every citizen of the world who wanted to help. It feels very toxic.

Fake Profiles

I find it pitiable that all these people have resorted to elevating themselves at the expense of other people.

People who were involved in this, are involved in the Shetland abuse: John Horner’s participation https://yorkshirelandscapephotography.com/online-shaming-by-lizzie-shepherd-photography-john-horner-helen-iliffe-adsett/

I see a pattern here and there is another pattern. There is a female photographer who lives near John Horner. She has recently gained some qualifications in photography.

However, in 2018, when she updated her social media profiles, she made a small mistake which indicated it was from the RPS and not from the photographers with disabilities. John Horner online shamed her and again went to the RPS to complain to take the qualification from her. After seeing quite a few online shaming posts, I contacted her with my story.
She was able to contact the police and get it stopped, thank goodness because there is no way I would want anyone to go through the same thing.
Back to Shetland
  • Narcissistic abusers and flying monkeys: Helen Illife-Adsett, Hugh Harrop, Gary Buchan, @tuffstance, Sue Braid, John Horner aka Susan Braid, Sheila Mottlet, Hugh Storker, Sula @gannetgoverner & @stalkedbydorcas & @avictimofdorcas, Nooti aka HLA @Purrhana (HLA), @heleniliffe (HLA), @zetlandlife (HLA), @nowtbettertodo0 (HLA), @goonlogthisone2 (HLA),@knewyouwoulddo (HLA) @eyesupoffscreen (HLA), @jakethelippers (HLA), @lifeinshetland (HLA), orcastorca (HLA) janehobson14, @aintdatdetruth, etc etc @bemptonsula, @albertecclefan, @ecclefan, Skye rocks, Dory Dean, Effil940, Alil, @dorydean1; FB Sue Braid blog & profile; Gail Leask? set up Beware this woman page cloning my FB page. Hugh Harrop was replied to in Twitter posts. More FB pages set up – Eatch and Every Post, Each and Every PostLies about being 2 police forces wanting me
  • Fb hacked into stating ‘there will be trouble ahead’
  • Fake profiles set up trial by internet pretending to be eminent judge from London – judge and jury for the whole of Shetland
  • distressing attack regarding parents deaths – not authentic apparently, around the time Daisy was put down, very distressed about losing Daisy, my Dads dog
  • they do the fake empathy- we reached out to her etc blatant lies to turn you against me. 
  • Making fun of dementia and depression
  • comments about how to grieve – stuff way below the line, very strange
  • plus saying my stalker doesn’t exist (9 years and he’s still spying on me)
  • contacting ex employers of 30 years ago
  • contacting any organisation/group I am a member of (isolating me from any social activity)
  • calling me a whore
  • saying I have no right to Shetland Orca Sightings 
  • no right to see any wildlife in Shetland
  • phrases such as ‘will not be tolerated ‘ appear
  • comments about if I can afford a van like that I can afford to use a tour company to see wildlife
  • told to piss off and wend my way frequently
  • calling the police
  • character assassination/devaluation 
  • you can see it on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/shetlandorcaandcetaceansighting/
  • Helen Iliffe-Adsett is one of the people who monitors all my internet presence everyday in order to gain information for malicious intent (eg telling folk I was wanted by 2 police forces – I was but only because I was very depressed at the time and had suicidal thoughts and the police put out a MISPER bulletin on SM). She changes her profile name every week if not every couple of days and can change profile names multiple times a day. 

  • When someone commented on my page, they were immediately banned from Hugh’s Shetland Wildlife groups and Shetland Orca Sightings. 

    I refuse to cater to your demands. I’m prepared to be co-operative when common sense demands that but I am no-one’s doormat or lackey

I still believe everyone has a right to see these wonderful Shetland Orca Sightings and it is not for one man to dictate who sees them.

I only wanted to see Orcas. After my 40 odd years of conservation, working and volunteering,I have never known such intolerance and an obsessive drive by so many people just to stop me from seeing Orcas.

  • So I am watching the Utube videos re narcissistic abuse (ps I scored 4 on the narcissist test – average is 12, narcissist over 20 – bit of fun psychcom ) and start getting abuse –  called pathetic – no one else on the thread apart from me got abuse. 
  • Im now being followed on Utube 
  • you will notice I disappear from twitter. About every 2 weeks for the last 3 months, I get banned from Twitter from complaints from Shetland I presume, for saying whalewatching and Orcawatch should be for everyone not just the privileged few, citizen science is for everyone not just for the privileged few. https://mobile.twitter.com/dorcaseatch
  • you’ll read this next bit and say “that’s nothing”, then add the fact this has been going on for at least 8 years monitoring me day after day. I know who @bemptonsula is but I can’t prove it, and this stranger knows I know. I know it is a John Horner and he knows I know. So I go and have some repair work at Highlandcampervans. I need to contact them again and I know it’s quicker through twitter. Soon after @bemptonsula is RT one of their tweets, they have never had anything to do with them before but coincidentally they decide out of the blue soon after I have had my van repaired to RT them. Both Helen & John contact people I reply to on SM. I know this sounds silly but I have lots of coincidental examples from the many fake profiles John Horner and Helen ILiffe-Adsett have used. That’s why I don’t say where I am or what I am doing and prefer not to be in shot. 
  • Rarebirdalert, I have been a customer for many years, at times a paying customer, suddenly blocks me – guess what am not a customer any more (doesn’t he want customers?)
  • today 1st march another fake profile (@tuffstance, @tuffstanceday1) has spent all day going through my tweets and replying with not nice stuff only 21 times – at least it’s quite tame – nasty woman etc – I’ve had a lovely day though with brill views of crossbills and more
  • New fake profile @lifeinshetland Apparently ‘Chris’
  • Sumburgh Head Visitor Centre blocking me as they are holding an orca display
  • blocked by  John o Groats Editor
  •  @natureinshetland
  • @bemptonsula @richymonde now pushing for me to be kicked out of BDMLR, BTO and RPS
  • Have had shingles for the last month, can still see where the rash was, still very tired and getting odd numbness round my eyes and face. 
  • Getting abusive messages on messenger by fake profiles 
  • so I was on wildcamping and they found me and spread the poison 
  • fake profile queen of the north started by HIA who sends tweets to Hugh Harrop #gaslighting
  • who also contacts AJMACLEOD on the Barra Page who publicly posts libel. After saying I will sue him he removes his posts. Thank you. 
  • someone has to be very sick to do this

Picked up another virus, so shingles and this in the last 3 months, immune system not coping very well. 

Marine Mammal Medic were ‘alerted’ to a genuine question I posted on a blog “

‘Please do not just delete. Please read. Why do the uk #orca elite ban folk from location information so we don’t have a chance to see them even if we are near the location and why do they not reply when they are contacted for discussion. Surely seeing these animals is for everyone. No explanation has been given as to why I’ve been banned from #orcawatch and I would like proof rather than people quoting lies from the #smearcampaign that is being conducted against me by the orca & whale and dolphin community. yorkshirelandscapephotography.com/shetland-orca/ #orcawatch #whalewatching #shetland #scotland #orkney #karenhall #stevetruluck #karenmunro #hughharrop @seasavers #itsmywildlifetoo I am 60 retired female – all I want to do is meet folk, watch Cetaceans plus I am a BDMLR MMM & shorewatcher. And again would not tell me who had alerted them. I did wonder why they had such a high turnover of volunteers.

more abuse today (21 June), trying to control how I behave and what to say Talk of taking sides – in my 40 years of  mainly volunteering and few years of working in conservation never came across sides, it was the habitat, the animals, the flora that mattered most now it’s not the animals but sides

I’d  obviously been reported to the RSPB as a spam email recently as the whole organisation blocked me from contacting anyone or anything – my employers from 30 years ago.

i had a feeling they would escalate behind the scenes as on June 25 last year I had to put Daisy down and I was heartbroken plus she was my Dads dog plus memories of his dementia etc very emotional time.

and of course they will deny it, that’s what abusers do.

my facebook page page has been removed  – it seems Hugh Harrop cannot abide any competition nor any criticism of his company so he will pursue and crush

so only my LRPS and my life left for them to take off me.

As said on twitter if she has concerns about me go to the police, the other posts are blatant lies. 

There are better ways to resolve conflict and I only asked where an Orca was.

yet I’m being called evil – nothing could be further from the truth and it hurts so many people believe this.

The people are actively pursuing me on the internet to stop and interfere with anything I do  

Wall of silence from these

Last resort – all CABs in Shetland as well, women’s abuse and then that’s the end

After having had this abuse for at least 9+ years by strangers, no support and no help, just a wall of silence from police and the organisations who are supporting the abusers, I cannot foresee any future and I just cannot live like this. I have no life.

All this because I asked where an orca was

public online shaming kills 

Jul 3 am 


HR departments of any organisation, be it a workplace, volunteer organisation or charity now search for you online and of course now when they search for me, there will be a misrepresentation of me so I’ll be guilty before innocent with no chance of being able to work, or volunteer again or even join charitable organisations. That is against my human right of I have a right to be found innocent before guilty, i have been prejudged. 
These abusers are determined to destroy everything about me, everything. Just think about your life, everything. 
These abusers will be working offline emailing orgs on the chance I would be a member. 
These abusers use more than just normal google searches, they use reverse image search, they set up programs or programmable searches, at deeper levels of coding and more. 
They also take any photo of you, that anyone has taken, or photos of your loved ones, your pets, even copyrighted photos to use against you – for making fake websites, for memes, for fake profiles, for abusive messages. These days, office family photos need to be a no no, the people in them could be a target. 
It’s a sad world when people don’t take you as you are but a fake misrepresentation put out by troubled people who have to discredit me to elevate themselves. 
You may mock this whole thing but it could happen to you in an instance, I could put a lie out about you, someone who doesn’t like you picks it up and you can say goodbye to your job, your career, your life as you know it now, even relationships, pet ownership, memberships, volunteering – everything you take for granted, anything you do for charity, friendships, everything will be biased against you. 
Even if I changed my name, I would have to build up an identity on the web, because absolutely nothing on the WWW would set off alarm bells. 
This is not how Tim Berner Lee envisaged the internet. I believe he is working on a new concept and I look forward to seeing it. 
That’s why I tried to sort things out, to resolve, to find a solution, to fight so hard because I am a human being, just like you, with feelings, I make mistakes just like you. 
So when did you last google your name?

Why is this narcissistic abuse? It is also additional online shaming

All this language is abuse: “change your attitude, do as I tell you, or we will punish you ie we will go to any organisation of which you are a member and in our fake persona ie fake profile, we will present you in a false light so you will be kicked out.
We will leave you with nothing and we will watch you every day for the rest of your life. You will never escape our control. 
Even if you comply with our wishes, we will still watch you, you will never be free of us, we will still try and control your life because after we have finished with you, no one will ever believe you and everyone will believe us when we say you are the nastiest person on the planet.” 
And there you have it, narcissistic abuse. If this was within a relationship it could be stopped as domestic narcissistic abuse especially as it has been going on for 9 years, but it isn’t and so it goes on. 
Because they have some knowledge of narcissism, they pick and choose bits to accuse me, not the recognised DSM categories which have to all be present to diagnose someone as a narcissist.
I know they keep trying to label me a narcissist but I didn’t even get an average score in the psych quizzes I did, much lower in fact and I am confident in saying I know I am empathetic and have compassion.
These people are amateur psychologists, have no formal training or certification other than one that is photoshopped.
Therefore nothing they say is valid, even more so when they consistently hide behind fake profiles over and over again. 
The initial issue is nothing to do with these people but they have taken on this abusive mantle as it gives them kudos within the Shetland wildlife company and other whale and dolphin organisations especially anything to do with Orcas.
These people are absolute strangers to me. I do not know them, do not wish to know them, do not want them anywhere in my life. 

This is a stranger, and a fake profile telling me they are monitoring me every day: Shetland Orca Sightings

I believe this happened so allegedly John Horner decided to police my business. He then got an ally in Lizzie Shepherd to online shame me, picking up gang members on the way. He also hacked into a lot of my accounts. Even from the start he was continually searching the internet to continue the online shaming. 
He then came across the trivial incident in Shetland and found pals there like Helen and those listed above to continue the online shaming and abuse. 
Even now, they continually search the internet to find ways to abuse and shame, searching forums and checking groups I may have joined.  
There is is no way to stop this. 
It feels right to say an abuser who is a stranger, and who deliberately recruits other abusers is addicted to online & offline shaming my life for the rest of my life. For some reason of his own as I have no idea. 
And I cannot do anything about it, I think I should be able to especially after 9 years.
CAB states this on website, call the police they say, but my 9 years dont count, just enjoy life (telling a depressed person to cheer up! You will cheer up cos we’re telling you to do so) the police say after another visit and the accompaning nurse makes observations that are not true even the police have to correct them. Bit worrying for a psych nurse.  I know you were frustrated at this story but ive had years of this, you had a couple of days, it didnt help. I know you were trying to help but you havent lived this.
The wind roars 
Clouds ride the mountains
Oystercatchers swirl a scream
Tirricks tirrick on a flyby
The sun warms and tames
The fret catches a sunset 
If this was my last day
I’d be happy

The blog

For those people who say I should not have written the blog, you are assuming it would have blown over, been forgotten and everything would return to normal- before the internet that would have been true. 
Before the blog:I know now I and my business was already being spied on and monitored on the internet. But that’s usually normal and called market research but this was being done to catch me out, to bring me down, for not a good reason. When I was contacted the abuse was already on the internet (6 hours had already gone by), I was already being shunned by the photography community, I was already getting messages on my business website. I couldn’t go online without getting abuse. I asked many times for it to stop and for things to be removed as the issue had been resolved but no. I couldn’t stop it and it didn’t stop. I can still find this abuse, some of it has gone but it will always be there for the rest of my life, affecting my life for the rest of my life. It does not drop off a server or fade away, it stays on digital storage forever. 
What to do – never use the internet again, and live in a cave? 
So the blog. Am I not allowed to record what happened? I mean it’s already online I’ve just put it in order. They used their own names and I have invited them to sue me. 

Shetland. Again a little spat for which I have apologised many times. And again before the blog asked Tim Stenton to remove the FB post many times. Tim’s name was on WhatsApp and everyone there saw the 3 messages – 2 of which were which island and please I think without looking it up the first was where are they? And these set off complaints from other WhatsApps users. 

Guess who saw Tim’s post and waded in – John Horner-why? And who is this Helen person? Who elected Helen to be judge and jury over a complete stranger?
Again, forever online, posts deliberately set to defame and discredit me and will affect my life for the rest of my life so again no going back to normal. 
The blog is a record of events. If I took it off, the abuse against me is still there forever, I would still have been removed from all orca groups, the events would still have happened as it was a lot of folk scouting groups to get me kicked out. There’s no going back to any normality. 

Oh and I was blocked from a Hebrides and cetacean group recently because I liked a picture of an orca

And as for my FB Page, there is nothing wrong with that. How many other pages have orca in the name. Look at company names Calmac and Calmax. In a business workshop I went to – where do you put a tailor shop, in the middle of other tailors. There were so many people banned from the other page I always wanted my page to be information for us who were banned because I said all along everyone should be able to experience these lovely creatures and learn more about them not just the chosen few.

You sent the police out because I shared a FB post after you had posted the comment everyone can share

I noticed a familiar photo on another followers post. Helen has cropped a photo by Rachel @barklandcroft and posted to the follower as her own. I tried unsuccessfully to contact Rachel. The image has disappeared and of course you can guess what was put online about me.

My images have been stolen to be used in malicious posts and are still visible on the web.